
Image The village of Mottafollone, site of the Bruno family's home
Year 2020
The cantina is built in the caves under the Bruno`s family home.
In the Sibarian valley the outpost of Balbia was established for the rest and re-supply of merchants along their trading routes. On those fertile and undulating hills multiple agriculture-based activities were flourishing, in particular: apiculture, farming, aviculture and viticulture.
The wines produced in what is now the region of Alta Calabria were appreciated well beyond the limits of nearby territories as proven by the research of the Consortium for the Preservation of the PDO (protected designation of origin) “Terre di Cosenza”.
From the writing of Francesco di Marco Datini (1335-1410) it is possible to have a sense of the extents of the wine trade: from the territories of Alta Calabria reaching as far as Spain, England and France. References to a red-grape wine named “Balbino” can be found in written testimony as old as the notes of Pliny the Elder.